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Getting Real 2.0

Getting real about australia’s housing crisis

Every Australian dreams – and has a right to – a secure home. It is a cornerstone of our nation’s prosperity.

For many, this aspiration has become hindered by our nation’s deepening housing crises.

Our Real Estate Institutes have joined forces to release our second strategic policy agenda: Getting Real About Australia’s Housing Crisis.

Australia has severe housing shortage and affordability crunch.

Vacancy rates remain at 3% and under in most capital cities and across the country home loans are as expensive as they were in the Global Financial Crisis.

A changing world​

The housing crisis has been described as abysmal, as a handbrake to Australia’s economy and a catastrophic failure of government foresight. It is all these things and more.

Getting Real 2.0 focuses on five priority policy areas across the housing spectrum as we navigate through post-pandemic global conditions.

It focusses on the issues that matter this affects all Australians: Renters, first home buyers, homeowners and Australians who own and supply rental properties.

What Getting Real means for agencies


Drive real estate listings over the short and long term

Defend against draconian regulation and compliance

Support confidence and trust in real estate agents and markets

Attack immediate reputational or economic threats

Plan for big picture strategic issues to secure agencies a profitable future

Getting Real aims to ensure real estate agencies are at the heart of national decision making, so real estate agents can focus on what they do best: help Australian’s into homes.

A collaborative, industry based approach

Getting Real 2.0 is a direct result of cohesive, industry led and evidence backed policy thanks to your State and Territory based Real Estate Institutes and ultimately – the real estate practitioner.

Our policies have been categorised across five key areas to drive outcomes for consumers and business.

A Home for All Australians

  1. Increase supply > Build more homes.
  2. Remove wicked problems > Eliminate supplychain pain points
  3. Utilise existing housing inventory > Enhance utilisation of current home assets.

Safeguarding our Digital Domain

Future proofing our industry.

The Sustainability Paradox

Promoting stability and longevity

Upholding Ethics in Real Estate Transactions

Ensure property customers are safeguarded and informed.

Better Places and Spaces

Enhance Australia’s appeal as an attractive place to live and invest.
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