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15 December 2021

Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) has demonstrated remarkable resilience despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

REIA today released the first ever REIA 2021 Year in Review report at the REIA AGM today (15 December 2021).

REIA President, Mr Adrian Kelly, said that REIA continues to fight to provide a voice of reason in the real estate policy and media debate.

“Over the past year we’ve provided real estate practitioners voices to key matters such as advocating to the Federal Housing Inquiry to axe stamp duty, build more houses and develop a bi partisan, State and Federal National Plan for Housing.


“We also released our Federal Election Primer – REIA’s Getting Real – targeting affordability, supply, tax reform, sustainability, helping first home buyers, strong regions and cities, and successful agencies.


“We also supported all State and Territory Institutes in their work through pandemic lockdowns and vaccination drives. Our member Institutes have done a tremendous job in real time communications, advocacy, and bringing about COVID-safe changes to get real estate agents back to work.”

In his final address as REIA President Mr Kelly also said he hoped market conditions in 2022 would stabilise.

“I’m hopeful that 2022 will see a more normal supply of properties coming to market which will start to ease the affordability issues currently being experienced by first home buyers.

“The key indicators we are looking at will be listings coming onto the market, home loan and rent to income ratios, interest rates, jobs and unemployment, inflation and immigration,” Mr Kelly said.

Mr Kelly paid tribute to the work of the Board and Members of REIA.

“REIA has gone from strength to strength over these past few years, and whilst I am sad to farewell the Presidency, I know the future of the industry remains in extremely capable hands with the strong and united REIA Board.

“One of the challenges as a national Institute is quantifying why our work matters and how it saves and creates value and money back to real estate agents.

“REIA’s Year in Review 2021 highlights how we turn advocacy into influence and I look forward to seeing what is yet to come.”

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